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IT Pros: exclusive shows await you on Patreon, focusing on the more challenging aspects of running your practice and working with clients and employees.

248: Interview with Jeramy LeCompte and Daniel Allen of FLEXdesk by Rooted Consulting


We have the great pleasure of having not one, but two guests on this week.  Jeramy LeCompte and Daniel Allen of Rooted Consulting join us to talk about their outsourced help desk service, FLEXdesk.

Jeramy lecompte

Jeramy lecompte

daniel allen

daniel allen

FLEXdesk is a flexible, outsourced HelpDesk service that allows you to quickly and easily scale your business with a highly qualified and experienced team without adding the expenses associated with traditional employees. This allows you to focus on customer support and gives you peace of mind to provide a great customer experience.

-Daniel answers some questions regarding minimum requirements and overall logistics of onboarding new clients

-Jeramy also talks about providing tier 1 and tier 2 support for their customers as well as offering tier 3 when necessary.

-Everyone on the FLEXdesk team has obtained at least Apple Certified Support Professional status

-They discuss the challenges that all teams face when dealing with a new end user that may be unfamiliar with the personnel

-Documentation is key and makes the handoff seamless to the FLEXdesk team

-Some benefits of FLEXdesk:
    -Allows you to free up time to focus on building your business
    -Takes out the need to hire a full time employee
    -Reduces costs in training and on-boarding 

-Scheduling and prioritizing is a critical aspect of how they operate

-Looking to get started?  Email support@rootedconsulting.org to reach out to a member of the team.  Or visit www.rootedconsulting.org/flexdesk


215: Adam Engst of TidBITS Content Network for Apple Consultants & Will O'Neal


This week Command Control Power is joined by not one, but two guests.  Adam Engst of TidBITS and Will O'Neal of Mid-Atlantic Computer Solutions.  Both guests share their perspectives on the TidBITS Content Network.  Adam is the publisher of TidBITS, a free email and web publication for the Macintosh community.  He has recently introduced the TidBITS Content Network, which provides professionally written, edited, and illustrated tips and articles that its members can use to update their blogs, create a vibrant social media presence, and power email newsletters that people will actually read. Will O'Neal was one of the first subscribers and both gentlemen offer information on not only the creation of TCN but how it can impact your business.  Enjoy!

TidBITS Content Network: https://tcn.tidbits.com/apple-pros/
-Sign up for a free trial today and get TCN content from both July and August!”


Adam C. Engst is the publisher of TidBITS, one of the oldest and most-respected Internet-based newsletters, distributed weekly to tens of thousands of readers. He has written numerous technical books, including the best-selling Internet Starter Kit series, and many magazine articles - thanks to Contributing Editor positions at MacUser, MacWEEK, and Macworld. His innovations include the creation of the first advertising program to support an Internet publication in 1992, the first flat-rate accounts for graphical Internet access in 1993 (with Northwest Nexus for Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh), and the highly successful Take Control electronic book series. In addition, he has collaborated on several Internet educational videos and has appeared on a variety of internationally broadcast television and radio programs. His indefatigable support of the Macintosh community and commitment to helping individuals has resulted in numerous awards and recognition at the highest levels. In the annual MDJ Power 25 survey of industry insiders, he ranked as the second (2000)third (20012002), fourth (2003), fifth (2004), and third (2005/2006) most influential person in the Macintosh industry. He has also been included on the MacTech 25 list of influential people in the Macintosh technical community for both 2006 and 2007, and he was named one of MacDirectory's top ten visionaries. And how many industry figures can boast of being turned into an action figure?


Will O'Neal, founder and president of both Mid-Atlantic and Metro-Atlanta Computer Solutions, has been supporting Macintosh for nearly twenty years. He began his career in 1989 operating Linotronic Typesetters for Darby Graphics and worked his way into technical support after becoming an expert with early versions of page layouts, image editing applications and font management issues. He started MACS in 2002. Since then, the company has grown from just Will to twelve Apple enthusiasts, including six Apple Certified outside technicians. Will holds the title of Apple Certified Technical Coordinator, and he regularly attends classes around the world to stay on top of the latest hardware, software and solutions for business of all types and sizes. Because of Will’s vast experience and desire to stay current on ‘all things Apple’, he is also the Lead Technical Advisor for MACS. He has a passion for providing exceptional service and solutions to his customers. 

169: Interview With Todd Kane, President of Evolved Management Consulting

Recorded August 18, 2016


Todd Kane and Evolved Management Consulting is on a mission to make IT a valuable enabler of small to medium businesses. Bringing 20+ Years of industry experience to your business.

Todd has led technical groups for several of largest and high growth companies in western Canada. Experience with major businesses like EnCana, Canadian Natural Resources Ltd, WestJet, Bell Canada, Long View Systems, and Fully Managed.

His work has been recognized with numerous awards, both technical and business.

Book a Consulting Session With Todd:  http://www.evolvedmgmt.com/world-class-msp

- Great Game of Business by Jack Stack http://amzn.to/2bEvmam

- The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker - http://amzn.to/2bMync0

- BrightGauge dashboard software - http://www.brightgauge.com

- Leading Geeks on money. Money and Fairness
Geeks are generally not captivated by money. It's not that they're uninterested in money; it's just not the primary motivator. Money can be very important to them, but not for the common reasons. Most people who are motivated by money are driven by the power, position, prestige, or possessions that money brings. Geeks not only are generally nor interested in these things; they tend to look down on those who are. Their attitudes toward money are much more tied up in their strong sense of fairness and justice. No one wants to feel taken advantage of; everyone wants to feel fairly compensated for their value. The passion for reason combines with a strong belief... 

- Enjoy Command Control Power and want more commercial free programs? Please visit our Patreon Page where you can support Command Control Power and help us bring you more commercial free programming.

Thanks to all our Contributors: 

Kevin Ginger, kGinger Consulting - Weldon Dodd - Rewind Tech -Mats Schwieger - envision design, llc - Adam Rice -  Daniel Escobar, Proactechs - JD Strong, Strong Solutions - Luis Giraldo, Ook and MonkeyBox

And thanks to our other wonderful supporters who chose to donate without any reward.

167: "Lawyer Up" With David Sparks - Business Attorney

Recorded August 2, 2016


This week, Command Control Power welcome David Sparks, business attorney to discuss the importance of running your IT practice with proper legal documentation. David Sparks is an Orange County, California business attorney and a geek. David is a podcaster, blogger, and author of MacSparky Field Guides who writes about finding the best tools, hardware, and workflows for using Apple products to get work done. David also writes for Macworld Magazine and is a professional speaker on technology.

You can listen to David's podcast on the Relay.FM Network-
Mac Power Users -   https://www.relay.fm/mpu/
and his new show with Jason Snell -  
Free Agentshttps://www.relay.fm/freeagents

You can find David Sparks on the internet at his website - http://macsparky.com
and on Twitter @macsparky

For professional legal business, David can be contacted at Sparks Law http://www.sparksesq.com




- Enjoy Command Control Power and want more commercial free programs? Please visit our Patreon Page where you can support Command Control Power and help us bring you more commercial free programming.

Thanks to all our Contributors: 

Kevin Ginger, kGinger Consulting - Weldon Dodd - Rewind Tech -Mats Schwieger - envision design, llc - Adam Rice -  Daniel Escobar, Proactechs - JD Strong, Strong Solutions - Luis Giraldo, Ook and MonkeyBox

And thanks to our other wonderful supporters who chose to donate without any reward.

074: Managed Services Refresher with Luis Giraldo of Ook and MonkeyBox

Recorded live on October 28, 2014

This week we're thrilled to be sponsored by Smile, makers of TextExpander – which just got a whole lot better with iOS 8 and custom keyboards. Visit smilesoftware.com/restart to learn more.  Try TextExpander for free and tell your clients!

Thanks to Luis Giraldo for joining us once again to discuss Managed Services.

How does one Quantify the Value of Managed Services?

MonkeyBox integrates with Watchman Monitoring

010: Managed Services discussion with Luis Giraldo
041: Managed Services Roundtable with Allen Hancock, Luis Giraldo, and Kevin Ginger, Part 1
042: Managed Services Roundtable with Allen Hancock, Luis Giraldo, and Kevin Ginger, Part 2