-Sam's younger sister got married! Sam felt the need to tell the story of how he almost brought the ceremony to a halt.
-To segway back into a technology discussion, Sam describes a recent relationship he developed with an A/V company that has blossomed into a steady stream of referrals.
-Jerry brings up a topic brought to us be a few listeners about the end of macOS Server. The topic diverges into Airport Extreme's demise and how we have learned to move on.
-Joe has to deal with file sharing for iOS devices so Sam recommended a great app called FileBrowser:
-All this file sharing talk makes the guys think back to the days of OS 9 and The Chooser
-Sam has some follow up on his move to Synology and illegal characters
-Jerry gives his review of Ubiquiti Amplifi after we have some listener feedback:
-Mesh Wi-Fi Showdown: Plume, Google Wifi, Eero, AmpliFi
-An angry Sam talks about showing completed Reminders on macOS
-There is an update to Omni Disk Sweeper:
-Support Omni Group by using some of their other very functional products: OmniFocus, OmniGraffle, OmniPlan, & OmniOutliner. Jerry mentions an accommodation for members of the ACN.
-Shout out to Mac Geek Gab Podcast:
-The team at Mac Geek Gab recommend to find, among other things, a 32-bit app checker for macOS.
-Cocktailis a great utility that Joe highly recommends. A recent tip by the makers of Cocktail talk about the Reading List being available offline is not on by default. Enable it in Safari Preferences>Advanced pane.
-Etrecheck gets further discussion as Jerry talks about how he has used it in the past
-Joe has some follow up from our pal Tom Bridge of the MacAdmins Podcast, among other things. Tom had some insight into the "Too many corpses" error Joe was getting a few weeks back.
-Blog posts are a huge driver of traffic to your site and Jerry gives some blog and social media tips
-Speaking of blog posts, our friends at the TidBITS Content Network. They can help fill in that gap of having new and relevant content on your site since we constantly run out of time.
-One Time Secret is a site used for a secure method of sending information like passwords to your clients:
-All this talk about passwords brings to mind a great Jimmy Kimmel bit asking people on the street for their passwords: