307: Don't Get Too Comfortable With This iPad
-Joe starts off the show with some follow up and a PSA
-Long time friend of the show, Dave Provine helps clear up information regarding /private/var/db/fpsd/dvp. Dave explains that those folders are in reference to the fairplay streaming daemon.
-Joe provides a PSA to the team about accessing a computer remotely when Apple Remote Desktop is running. A simple checkbox in the preferences will allow this functionality.
-Joe shares some of the settings he enables for ARD for security, including storing credentials in keychain and encrypting network data.
-The remote discussion prompts further griping about TeamViewer
-Offboarding clients with remote access like TeamViewer is not always a challenge
-Sam goes on a rant about Apple IDs in a corporate environment and a lack of understanding on the client side
-Joe’s team has a process for migrations and he talks about the challenges he faces when clients have their own assumptions and expectations
-Migration Assistant has presented problems for Sam’s team so he asks for details on Joe’s method
-Finding Retrospect in a user’s StartupItems further solidifies Joe’s method for migrations
-Joe generously shares some of his procedures for migrating data