-It's almost the time of year again for the ACEs Conference. This week Justin Esgar joins Joe, Jerry, & Sam to talk about ACEs 2019 - to be held June 4-6 in Kansas City, MO (NOT to be confused with Kansas City, KS)
-Work/life balance was a theme of ACEs 2018 that Joe really loved. Both Joe & Sam attended the morning yoga session on day 1.
-Justin's wife as well as his Board of Directors have been key to making ACEs successful: Alan Hancock, Adam Engst, Andy Espo, Will O'Neal
-After feedback from previous years, Justin and his team have implemented a new theme where participants will be able to meet in small groups and get feedback and help from their peers.
-The Keynote this year is Sgt Major Fenton Reese
-Brian Best is back for year 5. Will he be presenting in a tuxedo?
-Justin's own company, Virtua Computers, was changed dramatically from the conference and his yearly revenue reflected this.
-One piece of advice is to research and go all in on the tools you will need for your clients. Whether it's Addigy for RMM (Remote Monitoring & Management), Zendesk for ticketing, JumpCloud for SSO (Single Sign On) or Apple Business Manager.
-Automating and perfecting your processes is not only going to make your clients successful, but it will set your staff up for success as well.
-Justin shares some of how he bills his monthly services
-Virtua also does Dark Web scanning for his clients. He uses ID Agent for that service
-Keeping an ongoing relationship with the client is an important factor that makes those money conversations that much easier
-Justin quizzes the group with a typical interview question