250: Interview - Justin Esgar of ACES Conference, Adam Engst Of Tidbits Contenet Network & Adam Rice of AdamRice.org .
/Join us all at ACEs Conference on May 9th & 10th in Baltimore, MD!
ACEs Conference was created for one reason and one reason only:
To help IT consultants grow their companies.
With unique, premium content delivered by world-class speakers, ACEs Conference is the place for inspiration, ideas, business networking, and instantly-applicable knowledge. It’s no surprise that our attendees continue coming year after year—just one ACEs Conference and you’ll be sold.
Justin esgar
Adam engst
adam rice
Our Guests This Week:
Justin Esgar - Founder and creator of ACEs Conference
Adam Engst - TidBITS Content Network & speaker at ACEs - https://tcn.tidbits.com
Adam Rice - Fellow ACN and ACEs attendee extraordinaire - https://adamrice.org
Just some of the great features of ACEs Conference 2018:
-Sit Down with Charles Edge - Panel Discussion
-Adam Engst will be Moderating a marketing panel
-Mark Berman - Journey Mapping (to be revealed)
-A general discussion brews about how marketing works within the world of small business
-Find that one "golden nugget" that resonates the most with you and introduces new way to thinking about things
-Jerry brings up an excellent question that Justin answers about business owners that may think they know the lay of the land and what ACEs can do for them
-Adam Rice discusses his business location, clientele, and how his first ACEs opened his eyes
-Justin talks about the ACEs Mastermind Group, which continues the conversation after the conference: https://www.acesmastermind.com
-Addigy will be holding a welcome party overlooking Camden Yards on May 8th. Join us there!
-Tickets are $529 but using the code CCP will give you a 10% discount. Use your code before prices go up!
-Command Control Power will be doing a Live Show at ACEs Conference 2018 on day 1. We hope to see you there.