🔒 Patreon Special

IT Pros: exclusive shows await you on Patreon, focusing on the more challenging aspects of running your practice and working with clients and employees.

504: The Joe Penalty Box System


-Sam had a work themed nightmare where he accidentally deleted a client’s data.

-Jerry had a real life situation like this years ago.

-Sometimes it’s difficult to fall asleep when your brain is still thinking about work problems and solutions.

-Sam hit a hard limit of two step authentication with Apple IDs.

-He set up and eSIM for the first time to get a second phone number on his iPhone.

-Jerry updates us on his new managed services plan. He feels there is more money to be made with residential clients on this plan.

-After off boarding an employee, a company owned computer showed back up in Watchman after months of being dormant.

-Joe is surprised when a client immediately signs up for his monthly plan.

-Do you specify priority support in your marketing materials?

229: Interview wIth Taylor Boyko of SimpleMDM

October 10, 2017



SimpleMDM is the Apple iOS and macOS device manager that you've been waiting for. With modern, intuitive functionality, SimpleMDM gives you access to a cloud-hosted platform with advanced functionality usually reserved for convoluted enterprise suites. For instance, macOS native package installation, allowing you to install management tools like Chef, Munki or Puppet without having to install a cumbersome agent first. SimpleMDM provides additional features like location tracking, filevault key escrow, and support for multiple VPP and DEP accounts for integration into your zero-touch deployment workflow.

SimpleMDM sports a robust API, multiple admin users, 2-factor authentication and SAML support to integrate seamlessly with your admin environment.

Start your 30-day free trial today at SimpleMDM and have access to their US-based engineering team without having to deal with an aggressive sales team. Priced simply, with volume discounts, SimpleMDM won't require advanced math to calculate your annual spend. You can sign up to at simplemdm.com/ccp, and be sure to join #simplemdm in the Mac Admins Slack.



167: "Lawyer Up" With David Sparks - Business Attorney

Recorded August 2, 2016


This week, Command Control Power welcome David Sparks, business attorney to discuss the importance of running your IT practice with proper legal documentation. David Sparks is an Orange County, California business attorney and a geek. David is a podcaster, blogger, and author of MacSparky Field Guides who writes about finding the best tools, hardware, and workflows for using Apple products to get work done. David also writes for Macworld Magazine and is a professional speaker on technology.

You can listen to David's podcast on the Relay.FM Network-
Mac Power Users -   https://www.relay.fm/mpu/
and his new show with Jason Snell -  
Free Agentshttps://www.relay.fm/freeagents

You can find David Sparks on the internet at his website - http://macsparky.com
and on Twitter @macsparky

For professional legal business, David can be contacted at Sparks Law http://www.sparksesq.com




- Enjoy Command Control Power and want more commercial free programs? Please visit our Patreon Page where you can support Command Control Power and help us bring you more commercial free programming.

Thanks to all our Contributors: 

Kevin Ginger, kGinger Consulting - Weldon Dodd - Rewind Tech -Mats Schwieger - envision design, llc - Adam Rice -  Daniel Escobar, Proactechs - JD Strong, Strong Solutions - Luis Giraldo, Ook and MonkeyBox

And thanks to our other wonderful supporters who chose to donate without any reward.