🔒 Patreon Special

IT Pros: exclusive shows await you on Patreon, focusing on the more challenging aspects of running your practice and working with clients and employees.

234: Letting The Fox Into The Henhouse

We're sponsored this week by Watchman Monitoring, a favorite tool of ours that should be in every professional consultant's toolkit.

Visit WatchmanMonitoring.com/cmdctrlpwr and sign up for your free trial to find out how Watchman Monitoring can keep an eye on your client machines and notify you of over 100 issues. Be sure to tweet @cmdctrlpwr #CCPsentme to support the show!


Michael Thomsen, Director, Origin84 writes:

"I think that this is a particular time of year leading into the Christmas period where people can become a bit testy and start demanding things be done faster than usual for the arbitrary "have it in before the holiday" deadlines. Probably harder still in the NH given you're also headed into Fall/Winter.

Off-boarding is a great topic, and a fine art. Until you've had some experience with the good and bad it can be a minefield - especially if it was not your decision to end the relationship. 

As an anecdote we've just lost a contract for a fully Mac design client with on prem storage to a generic 'Cloud Services and Support Provider' who is going to save the company "thousands of dollars" per month by deprecating the on prem storage by moving them to Dropbox Business. 

While this was not what we would recommend or support it ultimately is the businesses decision however we have taken great pride in developing a rigorous but simple and straightforward off-board process more thorough than the new vendors on-boarding process - which in turn has caused some significant questions to be raised whether the new solution and vendor are fit for the job. 

We will continue to take the high road until we part ways, because ultimately once you're not working with a client the only thing they really remember is the way things were left when you walked out."

- Sam's Birthday 

- Apple "Hand Off" Mysterious Hack?

- Apple Genius Bar Diagnosis And Fixes

- High Sierra Installer Being Pushed Out By Apple

- Time Machine Glitch and Fix - Users seeing an error: URLs with the type "file:" are not supported, solved by changing name of Time Capsule disk; old name had a single quote in it

- Apple Watch Player - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/watch-player/id1170672458?mt=8

- Clients Replacing Routers

- Apple vs Watchman - Identifying Hard Drive Errors and Sending your Client To the Apple Store

- Think twice before encrypting your HFS+ volumes on High Sierra

233: If I Could Turn Back Time

November 7, 2017


- Sometimes sharing music in Apple Music using Messages doesn't work. Workaround: use "Copy" or maybe AirDrop works

- Discussion surrounding Apple Music, iTunes Match and streaming music.

- SpaceX lands rocket at sea, makes history - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEr9cPpuAx8

- followup on Joe's migration to G Suite: I've stopped seeing progress bars and large numbers counting up and down in my sleep, and I've stopped having nightmares about drag and drop targets
SHARED CONTACTS FOR GMAIL - https://www.gmailsharedcontacts.com

 when cleaning up old mail using your IMAP client with Gmail:

1) "When I mark a message in IMAP as deleted": change to "Auto-Expunge off - Wait for the client to update the server."

2) When a message is marked as deleted and expunged from the last visible IMAP folder: change to "Move the message to the Trash"

3) Under the Labels section, remove the check mark next to All Mail and Important so that those labels will not show in IMAP

- Sam tells about a client sending out bulk emails and wishing to set up their own email server.

- Joe Share his thoughts on his new iPhone X

- Sam shares a story about declining service to a potential problem client.

- Joe shares a story about helping a client hide selfie photos
ImageOptim makes images load faster - https://imageoptim.com/mac

- We'd like to thank all of our Patreon sponsors for their tremendous support of Command Control Power. You really help make the show possible. We've talked about burnout recently... This show has been a labor of love, and your support sends a signal that you appreciate what we're doing so it really helps encourage us to keep doing it and putting out a show every single week. We've released over 232 episodes over the course of the last four years! We really appreciate all 40 of our patrons. For this monthly live episode, we'd like to specifically thank those patrons that pledge at a certain level. You truly make the show possible and we really appreciate it.

-A big thank you to all of our Patreon sponsors!

-A big thank you to all of our Patreon sponsors!

232: CalDav Migration Madness & A Lost Package Perfect Storm

We're sponsored this week by Watchman Monitoring, a favorite tool of ours that should be in every professional consultant's toolkit.

Visit WatchmanMonitoring.com/cmdctrlpwr and sign up for your free trial to find out how Watchman Monitoring can keep an eye on your client machines and notify you of over 100 issues. Be sure to tweet @cmdctrlpwr #CCPsentme to support the show!



- Joe's switch to Google G Suite: BusyCal list view, 9999 days, sort by repeating events, calendar, etc.; Google Calendar: how are the interface arrows still not Retina?!

BusyCal took about 5 hours to delete all calendar events on Google G Suite, to reset calendar database (to resolve duplication without having to delete recreate all calendars and reconfigure all sharing settings)

Empty Trash in each of Google Calendars

Two Options in BusyCal: Option 1) File: Import (imports to a new local calendar), can be adjusted, reviewed, split, etc. locally and then events dragged and dropped into calendars on server; or Option 2) Drag and drop .ics file onto BusyCal icon in Dock, choose existing server calendar to import into

Google Calendar adds gross text to the end of the Notes field on every calendar event by default, unless you turn off this feature first:


Please do not edit this section of the description.

This event has a Google Hangouts video call.

Join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/psimac.com/joe...

Gmail can only delegate the entire email account, rather than specific mailboxes (maybe because there's no concept of "Mailboxes", only "Labels"?). Does it even show in IMAP?

230: Addigy Update - Jason Dettbarn / Founder & CEO of Addigy - Cloud Based Mac Management Platform

CCP proudly welcomes back Jason Dettbarn, founder & CEO of Addigy, a Cloud Based Mac Management Platform.  Addigy simplifies and streamlines the IT management of your Macs by providing a comprehensive approach to security & management for macOS.

Jason, discuses recent updates to Addigy and exciting new feature releases. In addition, discussion about Apple's new APFS and how it will affect the Addigy MSP platform in the future.


Jason also discusses the recent KRACK, the recent WPA2 vulnerability. Read Jason's Blog post here: https://www.addigy.com/top-3-things-about-krack-vulnerability

Sign up for a free trial with Addigy: https://www.addigy.com/ccp

223: It's not you, it's me!


Sam gets back from his European tour and gives us all the details

A potential crisis is averted at a large client while Sam is away

Sam puts out a call for an HP managed switch expert

HP Enterprise support is not a joyous experience for Sam

“Don’t we have people that can do this?” - Becoming a manager and keeping the tech

iCloud Photo Sharing goes “belly up” and Sam finds an interesting way to resolve it

Joe has his own iCloud Photo Library sync issue

An interesting situation for Sam when an AirPort Extreme will not allow outbound VPN connections

Sharing the detailed Unifi app with a client backfires on Sam

Joe has the age old problem of clients pinging him for freebies

Sam has trouble multitasking.  Joe has some answers.

Joe’s client emailed the wrong email address for PsiMac with surprising results

Taking it personal when your contact at a client leaves unexpectedly

uBlockorigin is a fascinating ad blocker - https://www.ublock.org

Joe forces Sam to reveal some recently unpleasant experiences with Windows

Sam goes through a tough negotiation pitching MSP to a legacy client

When your potential replacement seeks details about the client

