489: Status Clone
-Sam talk more about is trip off the grid.
-On Joe’s recommendation, he got himself the Garmin InReach satellite phone.
-He talks about his quest for all 50 states.
-Joe brings up a major delay in voicemails coming through on iPhone. Sam is elated to hear it because it’s been happening to him for a long time. Jerry has seen this as well. They are all on AT&T…
-Helping friends and family with basic issues can be tricky at times.
-Joe recommends Omni Disk Sweeper to help find large files taking up space. Jerry talks of running as root to access otherwise inaccessible files.
-Jerry also mentions Grand Perspective. A big point he mentions is allowing Full Disk Access.
-One of Joe’s client found her Carbon Copy Cloner external volume and accidentally began working on the clone.
-Carbon Copy Cloner has some automation features that Jerry uses with his Synology. He especially loves running clones while recording the show.
-Joe talks about using a simple script with the tmutil command to resolve Time Machine issues. He also uses Addigy to deploy this to problematic computers.
-Jerry has a client that falls for the typical phishing scam, this time pretending to be Best Buy with the intent of giving her money.