275: Warranty Work
-Jerry talks about a client visit that went sideways and required an immediate follow up. The client mentions the phrase "warranty work" and it brings the concept of scope of work into discussion.
-Sam still has guilt about billing but forges ahead
-While on the billing topic, it develops into a talk about hourly vs MSP, taking on new clients and referrals.
-Jerry gives a big shoutout to our friend Adam Engst and his TidBITS Content Network. He is loving how well written his articles are and the photos are a wonderful plus.
-Recalling clients from the past, Sam has a funny story to tell about his last encounter with an old client.
-As if it hasn't been discussed enough, the team laments the decision of some clients that purchase the incorrect hardware for their needs. Anyone want a fusion drive?
-Dollar signs sometimes get in the way of rational decisions
-Some see us as the knowledge source for anything technical and it can be a constant battle. Sam gets heated just thinking about it.