268: Peaves Or Gripes?
/This week we are proud to be sponsored by FLEXdesk, an offering from our friends at Rooted Consulting. FLEXdesk - Help Desk support that grows with you
-Joe has some questions about content caching and working with multiple WAN IP addresses. Sam makes an attempt at discussing while on the road.
-Sam encounters an issue when attempting to download a full macOS High Sierra installer. With content caching enabled on another computer, the App Store only downloaded a small 15 MB file. Only when turning content caching off would it download the full installer.
-Jerry is in the midst of a remodel in his home office so he talks about the struggles of being uprooted and moving equipment
-He recommends theTP-Link PowerLine Adapters as a good alternative to ethernet when thatâs not possible:https://amzn.to/2N6vX6P
-After Jerry was talking about how an Apple TV reset worked to correct issues, Joe suggests a change in our motto to âHave you tried resetting it?â
-Joe recommends these fans he found on Amazon for spot cooling. He specifically uses the AC Infinity Multifan
S2: https://amzn.to/2NcQhmP
S7: https://amzn.to/2uo5t8U
-Quick tip from Jerry about a client that took their Mac into the Apple Store and were told that it needed a new logic board. He saves the day by unplugging the battery and the client is ecstatic that it turned on again.
-A reminder from Jerry to have your clients put reviews on Google or Yelp
-Joe has some Safari gripes to talk about. At times, when clicking on a link in Apple Mail, it will open a new tab in one of his minimized windows in the Dock. Jerry wonders if itâs more of a peeve than a gripe.
-Another annoyance is making exceptions to invalid certificates in https sites. He also noticed that the password dialogue box is for the current logged in userâs credentials. Sam thinks this is because it is placing an exception in the userâs keychain. Jerry wonders if itâs a routerâs config page with an expired certificate. An older version of Firefox is the workaround.
-Joe attempts to hold Sam to his keychain thought and he cannot verify as he is careening down the highway at high speeds
-A connection to John Gruber and Daring Fireball - he declares the Menu Bar as the Macâs greatest invention. Joe says Command+Tab is the greatest keyboard invention. Sam wonders what came first, Command+Tab or Windows key+Tab?