🔒 Patreon Special

IT Pros: exclusive shows await you on Patreon, focusing on the more challenging aspects of running your practice and working with clients and employees.

341: Have A Mindful New Year


-Joe has taken to using a journal, largely inspired by his epic road trip.  Joe uses the Day One app https://dayoneapp.com

-Sam agrees with the practice and talks of his long term journaling goals

-Sam Harris’ meditation app, Waking Up is another recommendation from Joe: https://wakingup.com

-We at Command Control Power wish everyone a happy. healthy (and mindful) new year!

Thank you to our Patreon sponsors!

Thank you to our Patreon sponsors!

340: Scrooge McDuck Meets Marley's Ghost


-A merry crimble to everyone!

-Jerry calls Sam Scrooge McDuck

-Alrhough timing is tough, Sam has to let an employee go

-A topic that is born out of this experience is “offboarding”

-Joe has some experience in this arena. He talks about some of the logistics and difficulties that comes with that. 

-that experience also caused Joe to tighten up his onboarding process 

-One of the concerns of releasing an employee is unemployment benefits 

-Does timing really matter that much?

-Business and friendship do not mix 

-Access for services and devices, while considered, needed to be re-evaluated 

-Sam has one thing to say about Joe’s shared contacts issue: DayliteMac.com

-Replacing the most employee is not on the immediate radar for HCS as of right now 

-Since answering calls was one part of Sam’s for employee’s job, he might now look at a virtual assistant service like smith.ai

-Subcontractors can be a good resource to fill company needs with less of a burden

-Data loss is a major topic that is a point of pride for the crew

-The team gets chummy about the support they have for each other

339: Client Gift Giving & More


-Joe has some follow up about the HEViC files wreaking havoc and his photo screensaver.  After changing the screensaver, the files are no longer taking up a lot of space

-Sam & Jerry both use the Brooklyn screensaver from Github: https://github.com/pedrommcarrasco/Brooklyn

-Jerry wants to know what the guys are doing for client gifts for the holidays.  Joe & Sam’s answers: nada.

-What Jerry has been doing over the years is to send gift baskets to key people within his most valuable clients

-An important point that Jerry brings up is that once you start, it is very difficult to stop giving gifts each year.  Sam has a vendor story that is right along those lines.

-Getting back to tech, Joe has a client with intermittent wake from sleep issues.  His team did some bench testing to reproduce the issues, and they found this thread.  All 3 had people use the extension cord solution and it seemed to work for everyone:

-Jerry has a story about a 21.5” iMac upgrade gone wrong and he gets salty when describing the details.  He was able to perform a repair offsite and save the day!

-Joe has some positive information to share about TeamViewer and how it handles modifier keys

-Sam was excited about TeamViewer coming to Synology and quickly installed the app, only to find that remote access is only available for TeamViewer for Windows:
Please note that there are some known issues:

  • Connections are currently only possible from TeamViewer 13.1 running on Windows.

  • macOS, Linux or mobile clients are not supported.

-Joe talks about Sophos being upgraded to Sophos Home.  Jerry also has experience with ESET antivirus.

-To keep our Ubiquiti streak going, Joe discusses changing the wireless mesh uplink priority and how it can greatly improve the stability of a mesh network:

-On the flip side, Sam learned from Ubiquiti support that disabling wireless uplink should improve the stability of wired access points

338: Merry & Bright With Addigy


-The crew does an Addigy check up to see where they stand with managed clients 

 -Joe brands his Addigy restart scripts after the show and it’s a top rated download!

-Jerry & Joe consider adding snarky comments to their messages to users 

-Joe talks more about his fancy scripts like rebuilding the spotlight index and checking for download sizes
ls -lh /Library/Addigy/download-cache/downloading
The main part of Joe's script:
du -sh /Library/Addigy/download-cache/downloading | cut -f1,1

-TeamViewer’s version upgrades and the lack of ability to manage from an earlier version frustrates Joe

-Inside a scam call center by Jim Browning youtube channel that busts fake tech support scam centers: https://youtu.be/xb_rgQ4IDS8

-Joe complains that users will not accept Apple’s advice for strong passwords but will accept fake tech support scams. Jerry has a different take on the password feature. 

337: These HEViC Files Are Wreaking Havoc


-Joe joins the crowd in the cloud 

-The biggest issue affecting Joe in his move to the cloud is “van-width”

-An unexpected issue was dealing with his Dropbox data. Joe's PSA: Symlinks in Dropbox = no bueno.  It just got stuck "checking for changes" for days on end. Found a relevant link: “stuck on checking for changes" issue, which said that the solution was removing symlinks from inside the Dropbox folder. It included a handy command to list all symlinks in the Dropbox folder: 
find ~/Dropbox -type l -exec ls -lah {} \; 

-The old days of Mac HelpMate comes up as Joe is sifting through his Dropbox data

-A new type of filesystem link (like symbolic links and hard links) to be aware of, called a firmlink: 

-Jerry is very happy to report that ClarifyIT has a beta that is 64-bit capable!

-After some finagling, Jerry finally figures out how to get Paste and match style working in the latest version of Microsoft Office

-In updating his Mail Chimp and testing with one of his email addresses, Jerry gets a random tips & tricks newsletter

-Upcoming show on marketing is an idea the CCP staff is kicking around

-Google Ads halts Jerry’s marketing plans by saying he is in violation of terms.  Getting in touch with the right people at Google turns out to be an even bigger challenge.

-Facebook and Instagram marketing can be region specific.  Or is it?

-Sam almost has a major mishap in his travels to Alaska 

-HEVC and HEIF wreaking havoc on Joe's MacBook Pro: com.apple.iLifeMediaBrowser.ILPhotosTranscodeCache in ‎⁨~/⁨Library⁊ ▸ ⁨Containers⁊ ▸ ⁨com.apple.ScreenSaver.iLife-Slideshow-Extension⁊ ▸ ⁨Data⁊ ▸ ⁨Library⁊ ▸ ⁨Caches⁊. This folder grows to consume all available disk space on his Mac running 10.14.6 Mojave.

Thank you to our Patreon sponsors!

Thank you to our Patreon sponsors!

336: Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?


-Sam is in Minnesota at the Jamf Nation User Conference

-Meanwhile, he has just returned from an Apple training gig in Alaska

-While at JNUC, Sam again ran into friend of the show, Chris Stout of STOUT https://stout.computer

-A call to action for our listeners!  Take photos in various locations with your Command Control Power t-shirt

-Sam takes a closer look at his process he recently used with a large deployment:
-Sam used AutoDMG for a quick restore of macOS: https://github.com/MagerValp/AutoDMG
-The createinstallmedia command worked well as an offline installer of macOS: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201372
-Here are the disks that were used to backup user data: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S1PCSV5/ref=twister_B07Y17L7BZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

-Joe takes us back in time to discuss the early encounters with Startup Security Utility on T2 computers

-Sam notices a difference in the behavior of users in large, corporate environments vs the SMB clients we are used to

-Joe deals with some confusion dealing with Daylite Saving while in Sedona, Arizona

-The topic of time zones reminds Sam about an issue he has with his Mac auto correcting time…incorrectly

-The Safari beachball bug has been plaguing Joe for a while

-Sam & Joe compare keychains

-After installing countless Synology NAS devices, Sam dug up a Github project which allowed for a python script to be run to do a speed test on the Synology: https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli

-When moving from a Windows Server to Synology, Sam had to do some Googling but found a tool built-in to Windows Server called Robocopy.  Here is an example of syntax to preserve modification dates & times: robocopy /s /e /DCOPY:T