🔒 Patreon Special

IT Pros: exclusive shows await you on Patreon, focusing on the more challenging aspects of running your practice and working with clients and employees.

304: Joe's Beauty Salon


-Jerry has some follow up on a show where Sam & Joe discussed friendliness with employees.  Jerry offers his thoughts on drawing a line with staff.

-The topic spills over into relationships with clients

-Insurance is something that Jerry is curious about amongst others in our profession.  He and Joe discuss hard numbers.

-Jerry wants to know why Joe doesn’t hire people as contractors or 1099 employees

-After buying a new MacBook on eBay, Jerry has noticed that the display is starting to delaminate: MacBook Retina STAINS ON DISPLAY / damaged AR coating

-Joe brings up the “Rights to Repair” movement

-Louis Rossmann is a very vocal voice on the subject of Right to Repair

-Security is a subject we commonly bring up and Joe recalls a story he heard on the Reply All podcast.  This concerning topic revolves around intercepting a phone number in two step verification by a practice called SIM swapping.

-Jerry wraps up the show by offering up movie recommendations:
The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley | Documentaries | HBO
Free Solo
Dawn Wall

303: Guest Host Michael Thomsen of Origin84 with Viktor Glemme, Will O’Neal and Luis Giraldo

Special Thanks To Our VIP Sponsors!


-This week we have a special guest host as Michael Thomsen takes the mic. Michael is the Director and Founder of Origin 84 - https://www.origin84.com

-Victor Glemme is a member of the Origin 84 team and he joins Michael in his hosting duties. Victor previously worked at Apple and Jamf and originally hails from Sweden

-Will O’Neal receives a call from Michael and talks about his business and the upcoming ACEs Conference.  Will owns Mid Atlantic Computer Solutions and is on the board of directors for the ACEs Conference - 4macsolutions.com

-ACEs Conference this year will be held in Kansas City, MO June 4-6

-This year at ACEs Conference, they will focus on small groups and less speakers.  This new collaborative and mentoring format will be a welcome and exciting change to an already impactful conference.

-ACEs has its own Slack channel at acesconf.slack.com

-A yoga class will once again be at the start of the conference this year

-Kansas City has been chosen as a 5G test city.  Will and the team will attempt to work with Sprint to provide some demos for participants.

-In a bonus, LuisGiraldo also joins the Origin 74 team on the show
Luis Giraldo on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/luisgiraldo/
ITGlue - https://www.itglue.com
Ook Enterprises - https://ook.co

-Luis gives us a quick history of his business life in Ook Enterprises and how he came to be at IT Glue

-Luis talks about meeting with his partners and setting goals for his business

-Monkey Box was developed to “scratch an itch” and he tells the story of how that brought him into the IT Glue family

-What is IT Glue exactly? It provides a structured way to create consistency, efficiency, and scalability by having a centralized IT documentation platform

-Luis gives a shout out to some great members of the Mac Admins community:

Tom Bridge and Chris Dawe on Wireless - http://macadmins.psu.edu/files/2017/07/psumac2017-154-A-System-Administrators-Fundamentals-of-Wi-Fi-or-Arguing-With-Physics-Section1-RF-Wi-Fi-Jargon-rgldvy.pdf
-Rich Trouton - http://derflounder.wordpress.com
-Charles Edge - http://krypted.com

Thank you to our Patreon sponsors!

Thank you to our Patreon sponsors!

302: The Virtual Strength Of Ten Men


-New iMac computers have been released. While it is a welcome update, the group discusses the difficulties of dealing with refreshes when recently purchasing “new” hardware for clients.

-On a positive note, Joe brings up the longevity of Apple products

-Jerry laments the release of new products with rotational drives. The crew agrees.

-Joe starts reading off specs and pricing from Dell and realizes that Apple is in a league of its own

-New AirPods have been released and Jerry already has them on order. Joe’s history with his AirPods comes back up.

-Apple Store Lady - https://youtu.be/jiyMx7rDKAM

-Sam is not impressed by the hardware updates


-Friend of the show, Brandon Walter of Macfaqulty, has a PSA about adhesive strips purchased from eBay. He provides our show with photo evidence sent from his client.

-Working from a variety of coffee shops, Joe has experienced some inconsistencies with Captive Portal on macOS

-This reminds Jerry of trouble working remotely while on a trip. He also clears up some confusion for Joe about Tripmode and its country of origin.

-Circling back to Joe’s nomadic life, he describes the joys and frustrations working in various coffee shops and establishments. But while it is his mobile office, he observed a fellow tech using it as his hardware workbench.


301: iMessage Tapbacks in Popovers


-Sam has a frustrating story about working with a VoIP provider he shares a long relationship with.  An issue with the client’s quality of service on their phones goes into a 2 year sago with an annoying fix in the end.

-To add some humor to his stories, Sam shares a very funny story about a late night visit from a user in need.

-Not a show goes by without Joe sharing an annoyance of a feature or lack thereof.  In this case, he discusses “pop over” functionality in Messages.  Sam gives a tip back to Joe.

-A tip that Sam just learned is that he can charge his iPhone from his iPad Pro using the USB-C to lighting cable.  There are a variety of features of the USB-C ports as explained here:

-Sam is now solar powered (well, his home is)!

-The FaceTime bug, now fixed, has Joe thinking big picture with regards to security.

-If you are going to cover your camera with tape, at least make sure it’s not clear tape.

-In his off time, Joe sits in his camper and ponders about security.  So he has some theories on malware.

-Sam decides to bring up a rather embarrassing story of how he missed the obvious

-As Joe & Sam start to go down the road of managing a team, one point that Sam brings up is the way mistakes are made.  Joe goes back and forth about holding employees accountable and making excuses for them.

-Making mistakes with employees often cannot be reversed

-Managing the employee relationship is extremely difficult to get right, as Sam and Joe both have realized over the years

Thank you to our Patreon sponsors!

Thank you to our Patreon sponsors!

300: Talking Ubiquiti With "Super Remie" Cremers



-Remie Cremers of Super Remie comes back to join Command Control Power for our 300th episode and discuss Ubiquiti and Wi-Fi in general

-Remie is a newly minted Ubiquiti Wireless Enterprise Admin

-He addresses use of a UniFi Cloud Key and how he goes the route of using an in-house controller on a Mac mini in his office.

-By doing so, he then manages all of his clients as “sites” in the controller. He then charges his clients an annual fee to maintain this for them

-A point of interest is how to migrate devices from one controller to another. More testing may be needed on Sam’s part.

-Remie shares a tip on creating users for clients, which involves setting up credentials for the user instead of having them jump through hoops to create a new account.

-Finding difficulties in implementing an SSL certificate for his controller, Remie created a guide and shares it with listeners.

-For his fees, he offers to do firmware upgrades as well.

-One hurdle that he found himself hitting, was the issue of needing to do a “Set Inform” twice to adopt devices on a controller that is not on-site. Ubiquiti confirmed the need for this method.

-Joe and Remie put their fancy pants on and discuss DHCP options

-As the group discusses the topic of using secondary ports on the AC-Pro APs, Sam makes mention of a hardware limitation where speeds of the AP will represent the top speeds of the device connected to the secondary port. So if a device connected can only operate at 100 Mbps, ALL devices connected to that AP will hit that cap.

-Ubiquiti has an impressive line of products in their UniFi line

-Joe has a PSA about power cycling the UniFi equipment

-Offsite configuration in a staging area is a popular method of setup, although depending on equipment used, it can present its challenges.

-As Joe encountered issues with VPN setup, he had access to Ubiquiti’s 24/7 chat support

-The UniFi Security Gateway (USG) has its place in some installations but may not fit the bill everywhere

-Mounting methods of the access points is an important factor to be aware of that is addressed in the conversation

-Before wrapping up, Remie gets into the confusing naming convention for USB and current speeds. He also advises on purchasing the proper cables.

299: We Can Be Heroes

Special Thanks To Our VIP Sponsors!


-Jerry starts the show on a positive vibe to take a moment to pat yourself on the back and appreciate what you do. 

-Joe reminds us to check reports on our clients and what we earn per client. Among other things to review once a year or more. 

-Jerry works with Synology’s Surveillance Station in conjunction with IP cameras and gives us his experience 

-This peaks Sam’s curiosity because as his clients are looking for a camera solution, he is concerned about services that all require a valid internet connection to record data. 

-Access cameras are what Joe uses for most of his clients

-Joe paints a picture of a solid, bullet proof solution with local storage, PoE, etc. and talk of how clients can push back by seeing inexpensive options at retail stores. 

-Jerry talks of a possible push back on cloud services in the future

-Surveillance Station licensing can work with 2 cameras for free and add-ons are two at a time 

-Masking and motion detection are nice feature sets that make it a very worthwhile solution 

-Jerry concurs and gives us all a lesson on the distinct difference between shenanigans and hijinks

-On the heels of this conversation, Jerry gets into a story of setting up a new camera at a school and working with a subcontractor whose work was less than stellar.

-To turn that towards our own businesses, the team talks about dealing with their own employees when jobs go longer than expected or a learning curve is involved.

-Stories about running cabling or drilling at client sites create some amusing situations, even if they didn’t feel that way at the time.

-Continuing the conversation of working with subcontractors or electricians, each of the guys share their stories of hilarity