393: Happy New Year
/Happy New Year everyone! We hope 2021 is a healthy and successful one.
Happy New Year everyone! We hope 2021 is a healthy and successful one.
-PsiMac and MacWorks joined forces for a Wi-Fi job. Sam was feeling very left out.
-UniFi and Eero and go to equipment for Wi-Fi jobs.
-Jerry & Joe go into detail about the job in an aging house with some wireless challenges.
-Using UniFi on this job, Joe talks about adjusting wireless uplink settings in the UniFi Dream Machine controller.
-Sam finally gets to join in and he gets into working with Eero on a job. He begins by dealing with an oddity where an entire network comes to a halt when a particular computer gets turned off.
-He learns some things with Eero like the lack of functionality when using the web interface vs the app.
-Since we are all doing more remotely, Joe takes us through a remote Eero setup.
-Joe found that setting up this network was actually faster offsite. Which is good on the one hand for efficiency but also a negative for business reasons as it means less billable time. Sam finds similar results.
-Sam brings back an old favorite “pop quiz”, networking edition.
-Jerry has a PSA regarding a Synology with Seagate drives. Be careful where you buy from.
-Amazon had an offer to give a 20% credit on old routers but Jerry has a bad experience with his return.
-After our show with Jon Brown of Grove Technologies, Joe wanted to listen again to absorb the information on things like pricing models.
-Sam is exploring option for changing up his monthly number to a tiered system, similar to Grove Technologies.
-As they get into the tiered option, the hosts begin to discuss their thoughts about everything from profit to detail of services.
-Joe talks about his model and how he includes a smaller monthly fee with a discount on pre-paid hours.
-We revisit reselling services that our clients need. Even small numbers add up over time. Services like Microsoft 365, Backupify, BackBlaze are common.
-Sam discusses the ease of use with Backupify and has a recent use case.
-Dopbox Business Partner Program has a good incentive for partners who sign up.
-What about Synology and local servers? Where do they fit in with our clients?
-One of Sam’s clients shows off their new podcast studio. Sam stays silent about Command Control Power since he likely has spoken about them.
-Joe blows Sam’s cover about how he used his new fancy Rode microphone backwards on a recent show.
-We discuss our first mics.
-As the guys check in about business status, Sam talks about a client that finally suspended monthly services.
-Most recently, one of Jerry’s education clients had to request a quote from multiple vendors during a renewal period.
-A recent client call sounded like a Kobayashi Maru and an impossible feat to accomplish so Jerry & Joe figure, let’s refer Sam!
-Joe is really hoping to replace his janky MacBook Pro.
-As this show was recorded before the M1 announcement, Joe considers what new Mac computers will be on the horizon.
-Sam has a strange volume issue with his 2020 MacBook Air
-As we revisit the HP driver issue, Joe credits the MacAdmins Slack for pointing him in the right direction.
-Joe questions the validation process.
-Should you just live off the grid?
-One of Joe’s clients designed software once used on the space shuttle.
-Adam Engst of TidBITS Content Network joins us once again to talk business during COVID and some new opportunities.
-The last time we had Adam on was mid March, just after the world began to change.
-Joe observes how things are once again going in the wrong direction.
-As the president of his local runner’s club, he is always on the lookout for important news to evaluate risks.
-We discuss the effects this has had on people not just with work or physical health, but mental health as well.
-Adam and the crew kick around many interesting thoughts and ideas about society as a whole.
-What’s going to happen with office space and real estate as a whole after this is all said and done?
-As companies have had to pivot during these times, Adam talks about how TidBITS has begun working with a school in Australia to distribute technical information.
-This opportunity of working with institutions with large IT footprints could be a new avenue for TidBITS Content Network.
-Adam Engst of TidBITS Content Network joins us to talk about Apple’s release of the M1 chips.
-We talk about “One More Thing...”
-Joe goes on a tear about some history of Mac.
-Joe is proud of his first generation JamBox.
-Adam is very excited about the benchmarks he is reading about the M1 chips.
-Even Rosetta 2 is showing a benchmark of 80% of native use!
-Adam talks about unified memory and how the memory is built in to the M1 chip.
-Thermal capacity in the new MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and Mac mini is discussed. The MacBook Air doesn’t even have a fan!
-Sam & Joe are emotionally scarred from recent MacBook Air models.
-Adam is not impressed with the Touch Bar on the MacBook Pro.
-While we were once concerned about first generation chips, everything we are hearing has us excited.
-Battery life is a notable difference that users will be most aware of.
-50 of recent Mac purchases were customers new to the Mac.
-Adam warns about issues to be wary of with Big Sur when it comes to third party backup programs like Carbon Copy Cloner and Super Duper.
-Time Machine in Big Sur now uses APFS. You will likely want to start your backups fresh.
-The low end MacBook Air has a 7 core CPU instead of an 8 core. Why?
-Adam is going to test his new computer by dumping all his apps in Login Items to see how it responds.
-Sign up with TidBITS Content Network and have Adam and his team create meaningful content for your organization.
Cmd-Ctrl-pwr is a weekly podcast hosted by three certified members of the Apple Consultants Network (ACN), drawing from nearly half a century of combined experience operating technology consulting practices.
Join your hosts Joe Saponare of PsiMac, Sam Valencia of HCS Technology Group, and Jerry Zigmont of MacWorks as we discuss Apple, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Server, other hardware and software, best practices, business operations, clients, rates, managed services, mobile device management, troubleshooting, and more.
We also feature regular interviews with vendors and esteemed ACN colleagues.
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Thanks so much to our Patreon supporters. We couldn't do it without the support of the community!
VIP Supporters:
Jason Dettbarn, Addigy
Adam Engst, TidBITS Content Network
Allen Hancock, watchmanmonitoring.com
Cirrus Partners, gocirrus.com
Special Mention:
Ryan Goudy, corecompetent.com
Weldon Dodd, rewindtech.com
Richard Wingfield, envisiondesign.net
Zvon Petric, atyourserver.ca
Adam Rice, askadam.io
Mac Admins Podcast, podcast.macadmins.org
Tim Nyberg, themacguys.com
Michael Thomsen, origin84.com
Matthew Waples, waples.net
Tom Puls, boxit.tech
Jeroen Potters, pitpro.nl
Steve Sorbo, macsos.biz
Andy Espo, callandy.com
Nate Cinal, wearescout.com
Daniel Monge, macitpros.com
Tim Pearson, CreativeTechs
Fred Balin, macresolutions.com
Chad Swarthout, alectrona.com
Glenn Kowalski, maclaboratory.com
Amy McKnight, themacspa.com
Richard Russell, macworks360.com
Thierry Lorthioir, sparemac.com
Ryan White, digitalguidance.com
Mike Brogan, mikebroganconsulting.com
Adam Burg, CALSO Technologies LLC
Bjorn Willemsen, braevn.nl
Duane Maas, mcservices.com
Chris Hawver, itraconsulting.com
Ted Freitas, cpnllc.com
Rod Miller, rqmconsulting.com
Rolf Woodward, command-r.co.uk
Bruce Corson, patientcomputerhelp.com
Rocco Russo, RR Consulting MSP
Historical Supporters:
A.J. Potrebka, Campfire Technology Group
Kevin Ginger, kGinger.com
Oscar Ogg, mactechservices.biz
John Moder, crispsolutions.net
Brandon Walter, macfaqulty.com
Justin Esgar, ACESConf.com
Mark Engle, PC Medics
Remie Cremers, TeslaProTips.com
Sara Gepp, Close to the Earth IT
Tony Ricciardi, TempletonGroup.com
Codey May, owlnetworks.ca
Command-Control-Power is a weekly podcast hosted by three certified members of the Apple Consultants Network (ACN), drawing from over half a century of combined experience operating technology consulting practices.
Hosts: Joe Saponare of PsiMac, Sam Valencia of HCS Technology Group, and Jerry Zigmont of MacWorks.
We talk about Apple, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Synology, UniFi, hardware, software, best practices, clients, rates, managed services, mobile device management, business operations, troubleshooting, etc.
We also feature regular interviews with vendors and colleagues.